Monday, May 4, 2009

No more school....

Summer has officially began in the Rikli house. Their last day was on Friday and they were busy celebrating and chanting "No more books, no more pencils, no more homework, no more reading, no more school" and than Mom had to go and burst their bubbles with the great news that school was over in the classroom, but not at home in MOM's summer school!! Since Mom is taking off the month of May to spend with them from work, they get to have lots of fun learning new things. Needless to say not everyone was to happy or eager to hear this.

Sergio is really good with writing his numbers and counting. He was very busy today working in his workbook. He did way more pages than I even thought he would want to do. David worked hard on some fractions and than read books with mom for awhile. Afterwards he praticed his english skills using Rosetta Stone. Miguel worked on fractions, sentence structure and than read books with mom before practing his english on the computer.

The boys love to ride bikes, play on the scooter and shoots hoops. To take it easy their favorite down time is watching Chip & Dales, Ducktales, Tailspin and Tom & Jerry cartoons.