Sunday, January 25, 2009


Thanks for the kind responses we have received about our blog site. We have really enjoyed reading about so many other families who have made these journeys of love to far off lands to adopt that we felt like sharing about our experiences with you.

Pictures will be coming soon of the boys so stay tuned.......


  1. We are so blessed to be a part of your journey. We are hopeful that the flights go smoothly and know that the time together as a family will be superb! Miss Mia get ready to have brothers to play with all the time!!!! In our prayers and many more blessings to all of you
    Angie, Brooks and the boys!

  2. Thanks for stopping by on my blog, The O Chronicles. Congratulations on your upcoming adoption. I look forward to seeing photos and hearing of the joy in adopting 3 deserving boys.

    Safe travels,

  3. We are all so excited for you and your growing family. All of Mia's little friends think that it is pretty neat that she gets to go get 3 new brothers. :) Best wishes on your journey. You're all in our thoughts and prayers. We will miss you and can't wait to see you when you get back.

    We love you all!

    Jenn, Trenton, Trevor, Charley, Gracy, Jaxson and the rest of the "daycare crew."

  4. Hi! It was just wonderful to see all six of you in church this morning! It seemed that Mia is doing a good job of adjusting to having 3 brothers! It was fun to see the boys' interest in the cookies and punch. We pray that God will continue to guide you and show you the way! God bless you all! Don and Claryce Calkins
