Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 14

It was a lazy Saturday around here. Brad has been doing some male bonding at the park with his boys. While Mia and I have been busy checking out the artisten shops with Jenna and Ellie.
The boys & Brad decided a movie sounded better than walking half way around the city to look at local cultural items. So they stayed at the house. Afterwards we all enjoyed ice cream at Crepes & Waffles nearby and had to hit the park one last time to burn off some energy!!


  1. Adopting older children is not for the faint of heart! It is hard work and there are/will be days that it seems there is little progress. We still have days like that. Fortunately, there are great rewards and when you are a little further along in the process and can look back and see how far you've come it will be so encouraging.
    Just wanted to offer a little encouragement to keep going and know that things will get easier and feel more "normal". Know that we're praying for you and if you need someone to encourage you please write.

  2. Tammy-
    I am so excited for you and your family. I have enjoyed reading about your advetures! Your sons are very handsome! Your pictures are all awesome! I miss seeing you at River House and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as the adventure continues...
    Take Care & Best Wishes- Jennifer
