Saturday, March 7, 2009

Tshirts to Tnecks

Amazing what a change in temp can do to your system. We were so used to warm, sunny and very comfortable and now it is cooler, cold and down right chillly!!! The boys are not liking this cold ....brrr.... NE weather much. We are hoping that more sunshine is headed our way soon. Today has been one of those challenging days that you look back and say what have we done. Than you take a DEEP BREATH and relax......and realize we only have to take ONE DAY at a time and it all goes into perspective. Sometimes it is more like one minute instead.

Sergio is learning that when Papi or Mami says no that means no...not maybe, or perhaps, or what about my sad puppy eyed look? Limits and control has been the topic of today. As well as, screaming and crying. Brad thinks perhaps we should invest in ear plugs. I am learning to tune out way more things than I ever thought possible. Boys are crazy, fun, aggravating, silly, messy and curious to name a few characteristics for now.

For the moment, the boys are playing quietly upstairs while Mia is taking a nap. Brad has sneaked away for a couple of hours to do paperwork and an oil change. And I get to stay and wrestle all the ornery creatures!!


  1. I just found your blog yesterday on the CHI site. I will love following you along. We came home with 3 boys from Russia just before Christmas, so I was thrilled to see that you have just come home with 3 boys, too! I have just "met" the Bakers here in blogland with their 3 boys. We can certainly understand the "one day, or moment, at a time" motto! Our youngest was hearing "neyt" constantly. We also had that moment of "What have we done?" after coming home. Our email is if you would ever like to write (3 months from now?). : ) We will be praying for your family.

  2. Sounds like things are going just like you would expect - crazy and busy! Boys really are all of the things you describe and more. Hang in there - they will eventually learn that you mean what you say and settle in to their new environment and their new parents. I've enjoyed your journey so far - keep blogging, it helps some of the rest of us feel like we're not the only crazy people. :)
