Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 18.5

This morning we posted some pictures of past photos we have taken in and around Colombia since we have been here. As you might have guessed some were taken while we were moving, so they may be a little blurry.

We surprised the boys with their remote control cars today. We chose not to overwhelm them with too much stuff at the beginning and wanted to wait a bit. They were so excited to get them!! It was like we gave them a million dollars....they hugged the stuffings out of us!!! The best part of it was that they were kept very busy and did not have much time to concentrate on tv today.

Onto a new subject ~
I got to take part in a really neat event that happened at our B&B tonight. Jenna who is from MN is currently waiting for her adoption process to go through the court system. Her husband, Steve had to leave early, so she had a friend come to help out for 5 days. It just so happens that Julia had been adopted from Colombia when she was 6 yrs old and had not been back for 30 yrs.
She was aware of some older siblings who were not placed for adoption at the same time as her and another sister. On a whim Julia decided to look in the phone book here in Bogota' to see if there was anyone listed by the name she had for her older sister. And low and behold, the first number they called was her birth sister, Carmen.

The owner of our B&B did the translating for them because Julia does not speak Spanish and her sister only speaks Spanish. The birth sister caught a cab and came in person to meet Julia along with her youngest daughter and niece. It was a very sweet event to watch transpire between the birth siblings. I was able to help out with taking pictures and video during some of their conversation.

Since Julia was so young at the time of her adoption, she did not remember too much about her older siblings. The other sister who was adopted along with Julia did remember the older siblings and would tell her stories about them. So tomorrow, Julia will get to meet her other older sister, Bridget who was not able to come along tonight and her birth mother. She does have two brothers also. One she does not know where he is and the other is still living in Colombia. She hopes to be able to meet him before she goes home.

I thought you all would enjoy hearing this wonderful story of adoption.

1 comment:

  1. Oh how neat! I've got goosebumps! Thanks for sharing the story with us. Keep us updated if you hear any more. I'm glad that the new cars for the boys were a good distraction...a good change of pace. :)

    Hugs to everyone.
